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[ricerca-transazioni] Ricerca Temporale Transazioni e Ricerca Eventi.[19:412] Ricerca per Esito Erroneo (from

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Success #1036 )
Took 0.22 sec.

Error Message

ricerca-transazioni.feature:426 - path: $[10].codice, actual: '29', expected: '#? expected_or(_)', reason: did not evaluate to 'true'

Stacktrace ricerca-transazioni.feature:426 - path: $[10].codice, actual: '29', expected: '#? expected_or(_)', reason: did not evaluate to 'true'
	at ✽.And match each response.items[*].esito contains { codice: '#? expected_or(_)' } (ricerca-transazioni.feature:426)

Standard Output

feature: classpath:org/openspcoop2/core/monitor/rs/testsuite/reportistica/configurazione.feature
scenarios:  5 | passed:  5 | failed:  0 | time: 86.0948
feature: classpath:org/openspcoop2/core/monitor/rs/testsuite/reportistica/reportistica-filtro-api-implementata.feature
scenarios: 92 | passed: 92 | failed:  0 | time: 100.4394
feature: classpath:org/openspcoop2/core/monitor/rs/testsuite/reportistica/reportistica-filtro-indirizzoIP.feature
scenarios: 12 | passed: 12 | failed:  0 | time: 65.3119
feature: classpath:org/openspcoop2/core/monitor/rs/testsuite/reportistica/reportistica-filtro-tag.feature
scenarios: 24 | passed: 24 | failed:  0 | time: 70.5055
feature: classpath:org/openspcoop2/core/monitor/rs/testsuite/reportistica/reportistica-filtro-tipo-dimensioni.feature
scenarios: 506 | passed: 506 | failed:  0 | time: 350.7715
feature: classpath:org/openspcoop2/core/monitor/rs/testsuite/reportistica/reportistica-filtro-tipo.feature
scenarios: 521 | passed: 521 | failed:  0 | time: 334.8369
feature: classpath:org/openspcoop2/core/monitor/rs/testsuite/reportistica/reportistica.feature
scenarios: 21 | passed: 21 | failed:  0 | time: 83.0942
feature: classpath:org/openspcoop2/core/monitor/rs/testsuite/status/get.feature
scenarios:  1 | passed:  1 | failed:  0 | time: 0.2888
feature: classpath:org/openspcoop2/core/monitor/rs/testsuite/transazioni/ricerca-identificativo-applicativo.feature
scenarios:  1 | passed:  0 | failed:  1 | time: 38.8174
feature: classpath:org/openspcoop2/core/monitor/rs/testsuite/transazioni/ricerca-transazioni.feature
scenarios: 42 | passed: 41 | failed:  1 | time: 70.0038

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